Op weg naar minder geluidsoverlast voor omwonenden Schiphol

Bovenaan het openingsscherm van de video staat prominent in beeld het logo van het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat. Daaronder staat de tekst: 

Op weg naar minder geluidsoverlast voor omwonenden van Schiphol; de balanced approach procedure.

Vervolgens begint de video met een voice-over.

The government wants to find a better balance between the interests of a good international airport and the interests of a healthy, pleasant living environment. 

To achieve this, the Cabinet is following three tracks:

  1. Restoring the legal position of local residents
  2. Reducing noise nuisance by, among other things, committing to fewer flights per year
  3. New rules for noise and emissions in the future.

We are prioritising tackling noise nuisance for local residents, track 2.
We have to follow European rules for measures that reduce noise nuisance and can lead to fewer flights. 
That procedure is called a Balanced Approach.

The Netherlands is the first country in Europe to go through the procedure on this large scale. We have set a noise objective to significantly reduce noise nuisance during the day..

…And during the night.
And have identified various measures to achieve the noise objective.
We have examined whether the measures reduce noise nuisance sufficiently and the possible consequences.

We also looked in detail at achieving a good balance between the benefits of the measures and their costs.
This led to several packages of measures. 

Three packages of measures were submitted to residents, nature and environmental organisations, interest groups, member states, airlines, Schiphol and air traffic control authorities.

This was done through discussions, digital sessions and the internet consultation.

This allowed everyone to express their views and contribute their thoughts.

All the responses were then examined and processed into a final package of measures.

In accordance with the procedure, we notified the European Commission, European member states and other national and international parties about the final package of measures on 1 September.

The European Commission will issue a recommendation after no more than six months.

The measures of the final package, including the new number of flights, will eventually be formalised through laws and regulations.

After which, the measures can be fully implemente

Op het eindscherm verschijnt opnieuw het logo van het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat prominent in beeld. Daaronder staat de tekst: Kijk voor het maatregelenpakket op Luchtvaartindetoekomst.nl.